Thursday, June 28, 2007

Partners In Crime

AKA Friends....

Remember...? Together we did so many things for the 1st time in life which is otherwise forbidden. Friends were partners in that crime and till date the partnership continues in some or the other way...

Ever wondered how many kinds and types of friends we make in entire life time…!! school friends, college friends, society friends, tuition and classes friends, social friends, post graduation college friends, travelling friends, online friends, room mates, office colleagues, friends through common friends........

Friends.... Undoubtedly one of the most important influence on anybody's life with hard to find an exception in this regard. They influence what you like, what you speak, what you do to certain extent….. To cut the long story short, they have the major say in determining the personality.

If we think of life as a journey, then friends are people who travel with us when our path meets. We travel together creating memories on our way to cherish them later on, till our path and priorities change. We say goodbye to some of them and welcome new ones on our journey… Try and relate this to friends that come in our life….

It’s very difficult to be in touch with all these friends nowadays days in our so called busy life. We don’t have time for friends with whom we had some wonderful time of our life..... Strange.... isn’t it...??

Off late, Orkut has made it easy for us to be in touch with our long lost friends. Writing testimonial for some of my close friends is on my TO DO list for quite some time now, but lets se when ill do that.

I know I have not kept up with the title in this post but who cares...? I couldn’t find better title then this and after all, it’s not necessary that title should correlate to content.......!!! Friends are indeed partners in crime; at least I prefer calling them this way.

As I finish writing this, some known faces intrudes my mind and fills me with nostalgia....

28th June
12:19 AM

Monday, June 04, 2007

Word's Worth


Little bit of everything....

When you are feeling lonely its loneliness, when you think about your future and aspire to be something or get something its dream, when you think of good and bad the ethics, values, principles, character, karma and all comes in picture.

Thinking about life you will come across all these words which more or less define LIFE as a whole. All these words takes a lead or plays an important role in ones life at any given point of time, depending upon the situations, circumstances and mindset of the person at that time.

It certainly is a ramification of past experience, future expectations and surrounding environment. These are the things that determines the behaviour of individuals and gives a dimension to the personality, but the biggest question is whether these things leads to the actions of human beings or the actions of human beings leads to these things........?

It’s worth giving it a thought..........